Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2008

A Yorkshire Welcome

Heute gab ein Einheimischer eine Vorlesung über den lokalen Dialekt und stellte dabei dieses von ihm selber geschriebene Lied vor: 

Advertising jingle: The ideal location for your vacation
   Is wonderful welcoming Yorkshire

That can't be right, sir... How about this?
If you think of Yorkshire when you think of holiday
You're very welcome to stay away

It's full of louts and layabouts and surly flat-capped peasants
Who if they have a word for you, it's bound to be unpleasant
If upset they may turn violent and vicious
And by the way - better watch yer 'andbad, missus

If you think of Yorkshire, maybe you'll remember this
That you're very welcome to give it a miss

Your Yorkshire hospitality is only wishful rumour
The Tykes are Scots with trousers on but without a sense of humour
We are gawmless galloots, unshaven foulmouthed blackguards
Uncultered brutes, we're yokels, yobs, we're wazzocks

If you visit Yorkshire, from Rotherham to Reeth
You're very welcome to keep it brief

If you ever want to feel unwanted we can recommend it
If you're saving up for a rainy day, this is the place to spend it
'Cos the rains lash down, and soak you soft off-cummed 'uns
And those not drowned, can sod off back to London

Das ist also die Eigenbetrachtung der Leute aus Yorkshire und ihr Verhältnis zu Auswärtigen. Und hierher hat es mich verschlagen... 

1 Kommentar:

Schlangengrube hat gesagt…

Ha, wie geil! Das ist etwa wie Skandinavien, nur mit mehr Sonne.